No Fear Counselling

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3254 Reviews
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Nadine .

Nadine .

5 years ago
I really enjoyed my experience i was able to find help through my employer an EAP program, otherwise i would have returned. I have recommended and will continue to recommend your services to friends and family.
Ali .

Ali .

5 years ago
It's great for me and worked well
Jag H.

Jag H.

5 years ago
Kami D.

Kami D.

5 years ago
I wasn't in the right place to receive counselling when I was seeing Ofir but despite that I can say he has a very calming and reassuring presence,the atmosphere in his office was also very calming and he did not hesitate the adjust the light when it overwhelmed me. He seemed to genuinely want to help and so was really helpful. He helped me understand the root of my issue and gave me several techniques work on it. Overall it was a good experience, as good as it could have been considering the place I was in mentally, and I would absolutely recommend this company to anyone ready to reach out for help.
Mira D.

Mira D.

5 years ago
Great experience!
ali K.

ali K.

5 years ago

No Fear Counselling

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No Fear Counselling
7885 6th Street
Burnaby, Metro Vancouver V3N 3N4